- Computers
- Antiques
- Furniture
- TV
- Misc
This unit has a 3 days pickup timeline. This means after the auction has ended you have 3 days to entirely remove the contents of the unit.
This unit has a $200 refundable cleaning deposit. You get this deposit back after you have emptied out the unit completely. You must pay this deposit in cash, and show photo ID and your confirmation number or you will not be given access to the unit.
This facility accepts the following types of payment for the final bid amount: Cash
Please note that some facilities will charge an additional fee for credit card processing.
Please note that when collecting the contents of this unit you must make an appointment prior to arrival.The office hours of this facility are: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm ,sat-sun: Closed
Before you place a bid on this unit please read these important points:
- Please read our terms of service.
- Make sure you are able to completely empty the unit contents within the timeline specified.
- Check that the facility accepts the method of payment you intend to pay with (not all facilities accept plastic!).
- The descriptive tags contained above in 'Keywords' are only a best guess at what the unit might contain based on the photos and video provided. Bid13 does not offer any guarantee in regards to whether or not the unit will contain the items listed.
If you have any questions about any of the above read our frequently asked questions.
If you have not found the answer you are looking for contact our support staff at support@bid13.com.
Comments (1)
The more I see of these lockers with stuff thrown all over the place, open small cases and suitcases and boxes that have been gone thru only means this locker was cleaned out of any good stuff that might have been there. People from the storage place have gone thru this locker to pick thru it and did not care how the stuff was put back in cause they knew it was going to be sold anyway. As I watch these videos and see the way stuff is bunched up and strewn all over the place the pattern is obvious, they've been gone through and the people doing it have no care in placing the stuff back neat and tidy to at least give the impressions of not been picked.. Just take a look at the small gold case in the video that is wide open and obviously picked through. People don't rent lockers and cause such upheaval in them. It might happen sometimes, but it is seen too often in your videos to mean anything other than people at the locker places picked through them first. There is no transparency here whatsoever.