Prix Final
Haut Soumissionnaire
Infos enchères
Type d’unité: Lien
Taille de l’unité: 10x24
Dépôt: $75
Taxe de vente: 7.500%
Temps de nettoyage: 3 Days
Téléphone: +1 (330) 557-9700
Mots clés
  • Furniture
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Conditions générales de l’ientreprosage
• The winning bidder (“Buyer”) has purchased the entire contents of unit(s), which may be storage unit(s), parking space(s), outdoor storage area(s), loose goods, vehicle(s), or however such contents were advertised in the auction, hereby known as the “Contents”. The area where the Contents at the time of the auction will be known as the “Area”. This purchase of the Contents by the Buyer will be known as the “Purchase”. • The Buyer has purchased the Contents completely. All sales are final. Absolutely no refunds will be given. • The Buyer must present storage facility (“Facility”) with a current valid photo I.D, must be at least 18 years old, and must have a valid credit card. • Buyer’s credit card will be charged a $200 deposit per Area, that will be immediately refunded to the Buyer upon fulfillment of the terms in this agreement. • If the original storage occupant (“Occupant”) pays their past due balance prior to the Buyer completing the terms in this agreement, the transaction will be null and void. • The Buyer must initiate contact (“Contact”) with the Facility within 24 hours from the end of the auction. Upon Contact, the Facility will arrange a 72-hour time window (“Window”) that will start no later than 7 calendar days from Contact, during which the Buyer will have access to the Facility during the Facility’s normal operating hours. • During the Window the Buyer must do ALL the following, hereby known as “Removal”: o Remove all Contents completely from the Facility and areas surrounding the Facility o Leave Area completely clean, free of all debris, and in broom swept • The Facility does not have a dumpster and will not provide any assistance or facilities whatsoever to facilitate Removal. • The Buyer agrees that they alone are financially, legally, and completely liable for the Removal, and should the Buyer fail to perform the Removal by the end of the Window, the Buyer’s credit card will be charged for all cost incurred by the Facility, and such costs will be determined by the Facility only. • Personal Items and Records: Should the Buyer encounter, be it during or after the Removal, personal paperwork/computer records, family photos, original personal records (e.g. social security cards, birth certificates, government issued licenses or ID, etc.). personal records of any sort (e.g. tax records, medical records, school diplomas, etc.), within the Contents, the Buyer will send a photo of such items to the Facility, and the Facility will instruct the Buyer how to handle such items. Should the Facility instruct the Buyer to destroy such items, the Buyer is obligated to do so immediately and at their expense. Discovery of such items by the Buyer does not change any terms of this agreement, including the Window timeframe. • Buyer acknowledges that there are circumstances beyond the control of the Facility, for which the Facility has the right to void this agreement, and should the Facility need to void this agreement due to no fault of the Buyer, the Facility will refund to the Buyer the amount paid for the auction. This action will be at the sole discretion of the Facility. • Illegal Contraband of any kind including, but not limited to: Guns, Weapons, Alcohol, Cigarettes and Drug Paraphernalia must be turned over to the proper authorities. • Contents are subject to errors and omissions and to any undisclosed liens. No warranties and/or guarantees are expressed or implied, including merchandise descriptions. Buyer is urged to inspect the posted photographs and descriptions and bid according to their own judgment. • Liability: Buyer is responsible for their own safety, the safety of anyone/animal/thing they allow into the Facility, and the Buyer’s and such persons’ property while at the Facility. • In addition to the terms in this agreement, the Buyer, upon Contact, will be sent by email a temporary rental agreement (the “Temp”) which includes additional and reasonable terms and conditions, that are the same terms agreed to by the tenants of the Facility. The Buyer will e-sign Temp within 24 hours of receipt. • Facility Rules: The Buyer will adhere strictly to the rules of the facility, including, but not limited to following. In the below terms the Buyer is referred to as the “Tenant”. The Facility is referred to as the “Landlord”. “Tenant” includes Tenant, Tenant’s agents, employees, invitees and/or guest, etc. a. Tenant agrees Storage Area(s) may only be used for the storage of property wholly owned by Tenant. b. Tenant will use Storage Areas/Premises only for storage of property, and no other use, whatsoever. c. Tenant will not live in or loiter in/around Storage Areas and Premises. d. Tenant will not engage in any of the following while on the Premises: illegal activities, smoking, use of drugs or alcohol, dangerous activities, or any activity other than access of their stored property. e. Tenant will not store illegal goods, perishables, ammunition, anything alive or dead. f. Tenant will maintain the premises in good condition and shall keep the premises under Tenant’s control, including the adjoining corridors and/or driveways, clean and free from rubbish, dirt, and other debris always. Tenant’s rubbish shall be removed by Tenant at Tenant’s expense. g. Tenant will not conduct any actions that could damage the building(s), structures, or any part of the Premises. Tenant is responsible for the cost to repair all damage to the Storage Area(s) or facility structure caused by Tenant. h. Tenant will not disturb other persons (including, but not limited to, other tenants, Landlords and Landlords’ representatives, the local neighborhood, contractors, etc.) while on or around the Premises, in any fashion, including, but not limited to, being loud, playing loud music, otherwise creating loud noise, arguing, yelling, insulting, cursing, being a nuisance, acting threatening or intimidating, etc. i. Tenant will observe a 5 M.P.H. speed limit on the Premises. j. Tenant may not install/create any signage, whatsoever, including on unit doors, or anywhere visible from outside the Tenant’s Storage Area(s). k. Tenant is considered trespassing if they are on the Premises outside of the stated hours of operation. l. Tenant will not park their vehicle(s), or any other vehicles, on the Premises other than as is needed while they are actively accessing their assigned storage areas. Tenant may not park any vehicle anywhere on the Premises overnight other than those in this Agreement, and such vehicles may only be parked in the assigned and marked areas. i. Related, but not exclusive, to outdoor areas and stored vehicles: 1. Storage areas referred to as “outdoor” in this Agreement may be completely outdoor, partially outdoor, covered outdoor (such as outdoor with canopy), etc. 2. Only operational vehicles in good and fully functional condition may be stored on the Premises, and such vehicles may only be stored in areas that expressly, and agreed to in writing by the Landlord, allow for vehicle storage. 3. Outdoor areas allow for storage of vehicles ONLY, and only vehicles that are documented in this Agreement. No other goods, of any sort, may be stored in such areas. Examples of vehicles that are not acceptable include, but are not limited to, those with flat tires, missing pieces, cannot be started/driven, have broken windows, or have any other condition rendering them not fully functional. 4. All boats, trailers, RVs, and other vehicles must be covered, sealed and locked, with no goods/loose items visible. 5. Landlord reserves the right to dispose of any non-conforming vehicle, or goods of any kind that are not vehicles, that are stored in outdoor areas, without prior notice to the Tenant. m. Nothing herein shall constitute any agreement or admission by Landlord that Tenant’s stored property has any value, nor shall anything alter the release of Landlord’s liability set forth in this Agreement. n. In the event of violation of this Agreement by the Tenant, Landlord may issue a formal Notice of Violation to the Tenant, and a fee appropriate to the infraction will be automatically applied to the Tenant’s account. o. Landlord is not engaged in the business of storing goods for hire and no bailment is created under this agreement. Landlord exercises neither care, custody nor control over Tenant’s stored property. p. Landlord is not responsible for removal of goods of any nature. q. Landlord shall have the right to establish or change hours of operation or to promulgate rules and regulations for the safety, care, and cleanliness of the premises, or the preservation of good order on the Premises. *** End of Document ***
Conditions générales des enchères

Cette unité dispose d’un 3 calendrier des jours de ramassage. Cela signifie qu’après la fin de la vente aux enchères, vous avez 3 jours pour vider entièrement le contenu de l'unité.

Cette unité dispose d’un $75 refundable cleaning deposit. You get this deposit back after you have emptied out the unit completely. Vous devez payer ce dépôt avec: Debit, Visa, Mastercard, ou American Express, et afficher votre pièce d’identité avec photo et votre numéro de confirmation ou vous n’aurez pas accès à l'unité.

Cet entreposage accepte les types de paiement suivants pour le montant final de l’offre: Visa, Mastercard, American Express

Veuillez noter que certains entreposages factureront des frais supplémentaires pour le traitement des cartes de crédit.

Veuillez noter que lors de ramassage du contenu de cette unité,, vous devez prendre rendez-vous avant votre arrivée.Les heures de bureau de cet entreposage sont: 9-5 M-F


Veuillez lire ces points importants avant de placer une offre sur cette unité:

  • S’il vous plaît lire notre conditions de service.
  • Assurez-vous que vous êtes en mesure de vider complètement le contenu de l’unité dans la chronologie spécifiée.
  • Vérifiez que l’entreposage accepte le mode de paiement que vous avez l’intention de payer avec (pas toutes les entreposages acceptent le plastique!).
  • Les balises descriptives contenues ci-dessus dans 'Mots clés' ne sont qu’une meilleure estimation de ce que l’unité pourrait contenir en fonction des photos et de la vidéo fournie. Bid13 n’offre aucune garantie quant à savoir si l’unité contiendra ou non les éléments énumérés.

Si vous avez des questions sur l’un des ci-dessus lire notre questions fréquemment posées.

Si vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez, veuillez contacter notre personnel de soutien à